Saturday 5 June 2010



Today I have planted half a dozen pink lavenders, transplanted some wallflower seedings which have appeared by the white lilac, put in an assortment of coreopsis and trimmed grass. At R's suggestion I have also been attacking the thistles in the lawn. She put down the book she is writing and attacked a small length of "hedging" on the banking - to clear out the grass and weeds. The "hedge" is an experiment with buddleia cuttings. Unfortunately I forgot to tell her I had put in several small cuttings at the lower end and they are now much shorter than they were when she started. Never mind - I am sure they will regrow. Having an extra pair of hands in the garden, especially a pair that will attack brambles with enthusiasm, is invaluable.

On Thursday it was suggested to me by my sister-in-law that I should create an account of the changes my wife and I have made to our garden. Three years ago and a few months we moved into our newly built house and gazed out at the two acres of wasteland left after the building. I had retired the summer before and my wife and I thought it would be a good idea to have something to keep me busy (apart from golf and photography). So we began. I am now going away to sort though the images of the last 3 years to find the ones which illustrate what we have done so far. I am looking out of the study window into the small area of woodland at the top of the garden which is a sea of red and white wild campion dappled with sun filtered through the ash leaves - and I am inside typing! First a cup of tea.