Thursday 24 June 2010


Woke up. stretched, walked to window overlooking garden to see if any interesting birds and running up the top path was a grey squirrel.
Now this image is a bit of a cheat as it was taken in Manchester at IAJandW's house. Nevertheless it is a grey squirrel though this one looks a bit fatter than the lean tree rat I saw in our garden.
I was about to say that I have not seen a red squirrel for a long time but I lie - saw one at end of May near Dumfries.
Actually I quite like to see wildlife in the garden - perhaps except for the superfat pigeons who have managed to trample a buddleia. They nest in a tree by the cattlegrid. Gun? Not my style.

The lawns are mown, the heads are deaded, the weeds are weeded.
The carwashman comes at twelve o'clock. - (He didn't turn up!)
And the shed is coming a ten a.m. today - we have been told. I wait with baited breath, everything crossed and recrossed. (Came at midday with big wagon they could not get through our gate, had to unload there and then back all the way down the hill. Shed is up but not with shingled roof. That will have to wait.

R and I nip off for a few days Saturday and IAJandW come to stay.
Brother-in-law R is in the Westmorland Gazette for his acceptance at the RA Summer Exhibition.
The sun us out.

Time for a coffee.

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