Tuesday 15 June 2010



Sitting at my computer I can look out of my window at the feeder hanging on the nearby shed. Recently this has been regularly visited by Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. The photo shows and Adult who is feeding on the peanuts and then passing this to the fledgling below.

The grass is still unmown as our visitors of the weekend brought a bug from which we are suffering - now I know what the term "Damp Rag" means. In addition my back is off again so plenty of excuses to leave the mower, let alone the strimmer, in the shed.

Now for a word of caution - somewhere in the garden is a small rhododendron I received earlier in the year but I cannot remember where I put it - somewhere safe I suppose. It is just that I may have put it in the woodland area - i.e. in the long grass - so when I come to strim - bye bye bush!

R has brought back two tomato plants from a coffee morning so they will need to go in. I tend not to eat tomatoes as it is said they aggravate arthritis (knees) but being overweight is probably much more important.

The woodpecker is back, out with the camera again.

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